Sunday, February 15, 2009

The risk of asthma in children is up 65% more stress on mothers.

Pregnant women with anxiety are more likely to have asthmatic children.

A study presented at the ERS Annual Congress held in Berlin recently, shows that pregnant women who suffer from stress, particularly in late pregnancy have a higher risk that your child suffers from asthma. Vincent Square, the area coordinator of asthma SEPAR (Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery), says that "recent studies have demonstrated the connection between the anxiety of the people close to the child and the early appearance of the first wheezing, but Both studies only examined the postnatal period. "

The data emerging from the study presented at the ERS show that pregnant women suffering from high anxiety are 65% more likely to have a child who develops asthma than mothers with a lower level of anxiety. The study also finds that nearly 13% of children whose mothers had experienced anxiety during pregnancy, suffering from asthma. Dr. Teresa Bazús, asthma and lung expert SEPAR member, explains that "the authors confirmed a strong link between maternal anxiety at 18 weeks and especially at 32 weeks of pregnancy, and asthma among children of 7.5 years of age. "

According to this study by British researchers, the risk of asthma is 17% higher in children whose mothers are stressed at 32 weeks of pregnancy, and 14% higher when the mother was stressed at 18 weeks. Although the results are even stronger among women in the group with more anxiety, because the additional risk of asthma in children may reach 65% in the group of mothers with more stress at 32 weeks and 53% in most severely stressed at 18 weeks.

Dr. Bazús says that "the work presented at the annual meeting of the ERS is an important milestone, because this is the first prospective study conducted in humans that examines the link between childhood asthma and maternal prenatal anxiety, which appears in the link there is a dose-response relationship and a high probability of asthma increased proportionally to the level of anxiety of the mother. " Asthma, the most common childhood disease, affects about one child in ten. Although the causes of this respiratory disease has not yet been fully defined, it is known that asthma attacks can be caused by, among others, emotional or psychological factors.

More than 5800 families under observation for eight years

To analyze the effects on asthma prenatal psychological factors, the researchers studied a sample of pregnant women residing in the former county of Avon leaving accounts between April 1 1991 to December 31 1992. To conduct the study analyzed data from 5810 mothers with children of the availability of the necessary information.

Maternal anxiety was assessed through questionnaires completed by mothers at 18 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. Based on the responses, researchers were able to divide women into four groups with different levels of anxiety. Asthma in children was evaluated at age 7 years and a half, through a questionnaire completed by mothers.

A clinical, bronchial hyperreactivity was also tested when the children reached eight years of age, using tests puncture (prick tests) to determine whether the subject's asthma was allergic origin and which allergens reacted child.

The British team said in their paper that they had not identified any negative effect of the fact that they were their own mothers to complete questionnaires (even mothers with anxiety symptoms tended to show more of those actually suffering from) and also to the families of she had lost contact had higher levels of anxiety, so the results presented at the conference could even represent an underestimation of reality. Moreover, the stress of mothers was not measured directly by the medical team, so there is no way of knowing if their state of anxiety was transient or chronic.

However, analysis of a small proportion of the sample by other researchers found a correlation between maternal anxiety during pregnancy and a disruption in the secretion of cortisol in children ten years old. Also, as the British team announced in Berlin, it is more likely that the bronchial hyperreactivity and asthma in children whose mothers suffer stress during pregnancy is linked to hormonal imbalance in the hypothalamus-pituitary axis as an allergic mechanism.

Modern psychiatry assumes crucial challenge to change the negative course of certain mental illnesses.

XII National Congress of Psychiatry.

- About 2,000 mental health professionals to attend th National Congress of Psychiatry.

- Among the many who are analyzing the importance of early detection of serious psychiatric problems or risk factors most prevalent genetic and environmental-related mental health issues.

- In one of the plenary sessions will be presented by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health CIBERSAM newly created, which includes 25 groups of research excellence throughout Spain.

- The latest trends in dealing with depression, the neurobiology of mental disorders and the effect of environment on mental health are the other issues that make the rest of the plenary sessions.

- Other current issues related to pathology associated with gender, childhood disease, eating disorders, etc.. will also be addressed in depth throughout the sessions of the congress.

- The attention deficit disorder is now, along with the allergy, the most frequent pathology in children.

XXI century psychiatry deals with a fundamental challenge: not to alter the course of certain mental illnesses. That is the main consideration by Carmen Leal, president of the organizing committee of the XII National Congress of Psychiatry which takes place between days 3 and November 8, 2008 at the Palacio de Congresos de Valencia. "We have to analyze precisely the most prevalent risk factors that affect mental health and address the most effective approach," says the president of the congress.

Spanish companies of Psychiatry and Biological Psychiatry addressed in this meeting an update of the scientific knowledge of the many different and varied subjects that are covered by the special emphasis on issues such as "research in Spain and its evolution to work in network, the neurobiology of mental disorders, advances in the field of depression or the effect of environment on mental health, since the pathogenesis - the study of factors that cause or are involved in the development of disease-specific to patoplastia or forms of the disease in each individual. "

About 2,000 mental health professionals to attend th National Congress of Psychiatry which will analyze the genetic basis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, child psychiatry, the attention deficit disorders, dementia and many aspects of schizophrenia. Congress also revised the disorders associated with drug use and legal psychiatry.

As regards the chapter on research, the core of the first day of Congress, Carmen Leal said that "too many years ago not to speak of psychiatric research network in Spain was a tricky question. In the last decade, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, this area has increased significantly and today one can speak of a reality, with many research projects initiated. "

The attention deficit disorder, is now, along with the allergy, the most frequent pathology in children, and other psychiatric disorders along with identification of better-defined, one of the most prevalent diseases and a challenge for the future in the psychiatric and neurological research in adults. That is why the XII National Congress of Psychiatry will address this issue with intensity, as well as other issues related to child psychiatry. "Not for nothing," says Carmen Leal, "early detection of mental health problems are conducive to the control of many major psychiatric disorders."

The president reminded Congress that "in order to provide a vision as broad as possible to the specialty in the scientific meeting will also address issues epidemiological and psychosomatic." Congress also participate in other societies devoted to specific topics: epidemiology, child psychiatry, psycho, psychosomatic, psychoanalysis, etc.. "We intend to provide a picture of what the current situation in psychiatry today."

The Congress has, in turn, with a chapter surveys resulted in several awards. Thus, the prize will be awarded "Amadeo Sanchez Blanque" the best poster in clinical research in psychiatry (SEPB) VI Prize for the best posters Neurosciences (SEP), the First Prize for best project of social integration of persons with schizophrenia ( FEPSM), the awards program of research excellence SEPB reference for researchers and young researchers credited the award for best doctoral theses submitted during the academic year 2006-2007 (SEPB), the awards' 10 "to better describe Residents in Psychiatry (SEP) and scholarships for training in overseas residents in psychiatry (FEPSM).

Also, in more than 20 workshops were presented programs of exploration and a therapeutic approach to clinical practice, further complemented with events such as the Forum of Women Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Nursing Forum, the Forum for Psychiatry Residents (Training and Research Forum Resident Clinical Psychology (PIR) and meetings of the Evaluation Committee XII National Congress Psychiatry.

Chondroitin sulfate confirms its effectiveness in the control of synovitis in patients arthrosis.

At the Congress of the American College of Rheumatology, which brings together these days to 15,000 rheumatologists worldwide.

• The experts agree on the growing importance of treatment of synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane) as it is a major cause of pain and accelerating the course of osteoarthritis.

• Prof. P. Du Souich, moderator of the symposium "Synovitis and Osteoarthritis", presented as findings that treatment with Chondroitin sulfate relieves pain and can slow the development of osteoarthritis due to its ability to reduce synovitis.

• Also during the Congress has provided a meta-analysis, published this month in Current Medical Research and Opinion, which confirms that Chondroitin sulfate slows the progression of osteoarthritis of the course.

• The new evidence of the effect of Chondroitin Sulfate on synovitis are particularly important given that 50% of patients suffering from arthrosis this inflammation that causes pain and is the primary cause of disease progression.

Chondroitin sulfate treatment relieves pain and slows the development of osteoarthritis due to its ability to reduce inflammation of the synovial membrane, a condition that affected half of the patients arthrosis. These conclusions emerge from the data presented yesterday during the symposium "Osteoarthritis and Synovitis" that was held in San Francisco in the Congress of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR).

The growing importance of the inflammatory component of osteoarthritis is acquiring in recent times has led to Prof. Francis Berenbaum began yesterday symposium highlighting "the role it plays in the synovial membrane of degenerative arthritis" because, in osteoarthritis, synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane) produces pain and speeding up the process arthrosis.

The following interventions have been made known data reveal the capacity of Chondroitin Sulfate to act in the synovium and thus relieve pain and slow disease progression (DMOAD effect). Thus, Prof. M. Hochberg has shown the effect of symptomatic Chondroitin Sulfate with two very recent studies published in Osteoarthritis and cartilage and distinguished Annals of Rheumatic Diseases.

DMOAD regarding the effect of Chondroitin Sulfate, Prof. M. Hochberg has presented a major innovation: the "Meta-analysis of structure disease modifying effects of chondroitin sulfate in osteoarthritis." Published this month in the journal Current Medical Research and Opinion, this meta-analysis included 4 clinical trials on a total of 1088 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and concluded that Chondroitin sulfate at a dose of 800 mg, reduces the loss of space intrarticular, with a statistically significant effect size.

Evidence on the effect DMOAD in addition to other previous studies, such as:

- Study STOPPED (accepted for publication in the journal of the ACR "Arthritis and Rheumatism).  Reginster JY, et al. A two-year prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled study assessing the effect of chondroitin 4 & 6 sulfate (CS) on the structural progression of knee osteoarthritis: STOPPED (Study on Osteoarthritis Progression Prevention). Arthritis Rheum 2006 (Suppl), L42: 93.

- Study of Uebelhart D, Thon EJ, Delmas PD, et al. Effects of oral chondroitin sulfate on the progression of knee osteoarthritis: a pilot study. Osteoarthritis cartilage 1998, 6 (Suppl A): 39-46.

- Study of Uebelhart D, Malaise M, Marcolongo R, et al. Intermittent treatment of knee osteoarthritis with oral chondroitin sulfate: a one-year, randomized, double-blind, multicenter study versus placebo. Osteoarthritis cartilage 2004; 12:269-76.

- Study of Michel BA, Stucki G, Frey D, et al. Chondroitins 4 and 6 sulfate in osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized, controlled trial. Arthritis Rheum 2005; 52: 779-86.

The symposium was also attended by experts such as Prof. P. du Souich, Prof. F. Berenbaum, Professor and Professor Moskowitz J.P. Pelletier. A complete program (1.5 credits for attendees to follow a continuing education program) that Bioiberica pharma research about condroprotección to rheumatologists around the world and ranks as the only Spanish company to participate in a symposium in the ACR within an educational program of osteoarthritis and synovitis.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The SEIMC warns of change in the pattern of infection with HIV and the importance of early detection.

• The majority of HIV-infected patients are diagnosed when their immune system is very weak, as the Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (SEIMC)

• SEIMC recommends that all those who have a known risk can be tested for HIV / AIDS

• According to recent epidemiological data, the majority of infections in Spain occur through sexual transmission (72%), with significant growth among immigrants (27% of new HIV infected)

The Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (SEIMC) which groups the majority of clinical microbiologists and infectious disease specialists warned on the occasion of the celebration of World AIDS Day, the importance of testing for HIV all persons who have had unprotected sex.

GESIDA, the study group SEIMC dedicated to the research of HIV / AIDS, stressed that doctors usually detect the disease when the immune system of patients is too weak. The patients in this situation may benefit less from treatment and a higher risk of complications. According to the latest data available, a 38.2% of patients had HIV detected too late. This late diagnosis is of particular concern in heterosexuals (43.3%) especially in those older than 55 years (61.3%).

On the occasion of the celebration of World AIDS Day, Dr. Federico Pulido, president of GESIDA, says: "In our society we try to contribute to progress in the prevention and improved treatments for AIDS in Spain, so we continue to insist on the importance of all persons who have considered risk practices, such as having had unprotected sex, is conducting the HIV test, and do not expect to show symptoms of the disease hacérsela.

Infection through sexual transmission remains the most frequent

According to epidemiological data are available the majority of new HIV infections were contracted through sexual contact (72%) and only 21% had a history of injecting drug use. Among men, 48% transmission for homo / bisexual and 24% heterosexual, while for women 74% were due to heterosexual transmission. Finally, 27% of these patients came from different places in Spain, mostly from Latin America (16%) and Sub-Saharan Africa (5%).
According to these data, gay men / bisexuals with a recent infection by HIV are mostly Spanish and Latin American have a higher educational level than in other types of transmission and their clinical status was better, with smaller proportions of AIDS cases in the time of diagnosis. Heterosexual women have a good clinical condition, were younger when they detect the disease and among them is the greater proportion of immigrants. The worst part was wearing the heterosexual men, who enter with an older and more delicate state of health. They have a low educational level and almost 30% come from outside Spain.

By Juan Carlos López Bernaldo de Quirós, a specialist of the Unit of Infectious Diseases / HIV Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, "about HIV, there is a relaxation of concern, which affects the generation that did not live the hard years of AIDS. The lack of perception of risk is particularly serious among young homosexuals. In addition we are increasingly the diagnosis of HIV infection is so late. In many of these occasions, before the establishment of the diagnosis of HIV, patients have had contact with the health system without having done the test. Therefore, from SEIMC also calls on health professionals a greater level of suspicion of HIV infection, especially in people with risk of unsafe practices. "

The Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (SEIMC) brings together professionals working in the field of infectious disease, both from a clinical point of view as the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious processes. Its main purpose is to promote, encourage and disseminate the study and investigation of the Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, in terms of epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control is concerned, as well as their interrelationships. It currently has more than 2,400 partners, over 1,400 of the section of Clinical Microbiology and about 1000 to the Infectious Diseases.

GESIDA (AIDS Study Group of SEIMC) brings together the majority of physicians who care for people with HIV / AIDS in Spain. Among its functions is to promote research on HIV infection, its complications and its treatment. To do so is supported by the Foundation SEIMC / GESIDA. GESIDA and the Foundation SEIMC / GESIDA are up more than 20 research projects, including clinical trials and observational studies. Collaborate in these studies over 6000 patients.

Spanish research team led by two studies on maternal and child health and premature infants.

• Adolf Valls has become one of the most important scientists in this field to coordinate the two leading research groups and projects RETIC EuroNeoStat.

• RETIC seeking interventions in the process of pregnancy and childbirth and the first days of life to slow down, as far as possible, the consequences in the short, medium and long term.

• prematurity rates have increased in Spain, so that in three decades have nearly doubled from 4-5 to 7-8% today.

• Today killed five of every thousand births in normal conditions and in the case of newborns with low molecular weight percentage reaches 15 in every hundred.

• Identify modifiable risk factors, analyze the process of care and compare the results obtained in a unit, region or country with its population of reference is the great challenge of EuroNeoStat

The need for an interdisciplinary approach of Pediatrics is the philosophy of Adolf Valls i Soler, the only scientist from the State now coordinates two working groups to lead two research projects in this regard, a Cooperative Research Network (RETIC ) on Maternal and Child Health and a European project, EuroNeoStat, considered "the first European network for research in prevention which includes information on the outcomes of care to infants of very low birth weight." Both projects are supported by Osakidetza and the Basque Foundation for Health Research and Innovation / BIO Eusko Foundation (BIOEF).

"A group can not move forward in research without crossing knowledge. The networking is essential, "said the expert. In regard to the development of research in maternal and child health, Valls said that the work focuses on "the search for interventions during the pregnancy and birth and first days of life to slow down in the extent possible, the consequences in the short, medium and long term. The study seeks to generate a specific knowledge about the health of newborn babies to reduce the incidence of adult diseases related to childhood diseases. "

Among the researchers who are part of the network include pediatric subspecialists, neonatologists, obstetricians and biologists working in the area of Maternal and Child Health. The lines included in the proposal include the impact of disease on the postnatal development perinatal (prematurity causes and consequences, perinatal infection and inflammation, environmental factors and epigenetic fetal-neonate) as the basis of certain perinatal diseases in adults, focusing on all the parameters of nutrition and child development.


The team that coordinates Adolf Valls has also been selected as project leader EuroNeoStat, the first European network for research in prevention which includes information on the outcomes of care to infants of very low birth weight. The project is funded by the Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection (DGSANCO) of the European Commission. It collaborating neonatal units in 23 European countries and is the first research project of this nature that led a group of State also has the support of Osakidetza and the Basque Foundation for Health Research and Innovation / BIO Eusko Foundation ( BIOEF).

The overall objective of EuroNeoStat is, as Adolf Valls says, to "create a European information system and monitoring of short-and long-term newborns of very low birth weight (RNMBP), assisted in the units participants, to improve the quality and safety of care provided and thus, enhance its development. "

Requires the coordinator of this group of leadership, which "examines the research, by comparison, mortality rates, risk factors, interventions and results in a range of ecosystems. The results offer a different neonatal services a query parameter with which to measure the effectiveness of treatment that are underway. "

Adolf Valls believes that "at present, prematurity should be a health priority because of its high prevalence and serious individual, family, social, and economic welfare. These children not only need extended stays in neonatal intensive care units (NICU), but often require rehospitalizaciones and multiple preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative, which drain the always limited resources available. All this makes this project is of great importance both in health and in social and economic. "

Is a growing trend across Europe. Prematurity rates have increased in Spain, so that in three decades have almost doubled (from 4-5 to 7-8% today). Moreover, infants of low-molecular weight less than 1500 grams birth-weight contribute to increased neonatal and infant mortality despite only accounting for 1-2% of all babies, given their specific mortality (15-20 %) and high morbidity (10-20%). The data, according to Adolf Valls says, "are eloquent. Today, five of every thousand die during normal births in the case of newborns with low molecular weight percentage reaches 15 in every hundred. On the other hand, "said the expert," we must consider that while their rates are dependent on maternal health and perinatal care received, the specific morbidity is the result, among other factors, the quality of neonatal care. "

Adolf Valls stressed that "the possibility of improving outcomes requires the identification of modifiable risk factors, analyze the process of care and compare the results obtained in a unit, region or country with its population. Thus, in addition to its intra-analysis, and if followed indicators and criteria explicit and uniform, you can make comparisons between institutions, a key issue for progress in science applied to the clinic. "

Declaration of the WTO on the responsible consumption of antibiotics.

Spain is one of the developed world with the highest consumption of antibiotics (35 daily doses definidas/1.000 inhabitants / day). For years there has been a gradual increase in bacteria resistant to treatment. This problem is of global significance as globalization increases the vulnerability of any country to which diseases are present in other, and in the same way, resistant bacteria travel, which is a serious threat to global public health, as the WHO.

Resistant bacterial infections are associated with increased morbidity, mortality, health care demand, health spending and the deterioration of the effectiveness of treatment for future patients, which is probably conditioned that infectious diseases are the most frequent cause of consultation (40% visits to primary care).

The doctor performs the prescription data on knowledge of bacterial resistance in the center that works, there is no self-control and the clinical course and treatment compliance on a daily basis. Aspects that should be enhanced in primary care where there is a supply of antibiotics more than 1,000 pharmaceutical products.

The excessive consumption of antibiotics in primary care is driven by lack of rationality in the prescription, the prescription drug dispensing, the indiscriminate use made by patients and lack of clear initiatives for the health authorities to develop a policy of antibiotics in primary care to improve their use.


1. They should remember that the etiology of many of the infections treated at primary care is not necessarily of bacterial origin and that, including those enrolled in patients without co-morbidities, may be localized and self-limiting, ie that can cure without antibiotic treatment.

2. Always, before an infectious process:
a) Confirm the existence of infection.
b) Locate the infection.
c) Select the drug with a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties that support its activity in a given location of the body, maintaining the proper concentration in the outbreak of the infection.
d) Knowing the area of bacterial resistance.
e) Determine the need for antibiotic treatment.
f) Choose the most effective antibiotic with narrower spectrum of bacterial activity.
g) To administer the antibiotic at the correct dosage, the right time, for the right way, following up to verify their therapeutic effect.
h) Adequate antibiotic treatment to the patient (allergies, age, weight, renal and hepatic function, pregnancy, history of recent hospitalization or surgery).
i) Inform the patient about the infection and treatment prescribed, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the recommended dose and duration of treatment.
j) Monitor compliance, possible that adverse effects and assess the effectiveness of treatment.

3. Consult guides treatment and good clinical practice to date, independent, evidence-based.

4. Promote and develop programs and policies for the rational use of antibiotics with multidisciplinary.


1. Must comply with the law and not dispense any prescription without appropriate antibiotic prescribed by your doctor. The timing of delivery should use to set up educational strategies to improve knowledge about antibiotics, and lower self-educating the population, highlighting the need for a medical examination and a clinical diagnosis prior a prescription.

2. With physicians to promote the correct use of antibiotics

3. Participate in programs and policies for the rational use of antibiotics. Pharmacies in health facilities are the ideal place to convey educational messages on health, previously developed by the team of health professionals.

4. Report on the importance of compliance, dosage and duration of treatment prescribed by doctors, and make sure the patient has understood.


1. Improve conditions in health care, give the doctor time and
tools needed to make good use of antibiotics.

2. Inspection in an efficient dispensing of antibiotics without prescription
Offices in Pharmacy.

3. Discourage the use of antibiotics for hospital use and new
supposedly innovative formulas.

4. Homogenize specialty pharmaceutical patterns more
common duration of treatment of various infectious processes.

5. Efficient control of advertising campaigns in the industry
pharmaceutical, enforcing existing laws, and according to the data sheet.

6. Inform the public about the consequences of self.

7. Enable protocol and policies to implement antimicrobial therapy in different situations and epidemics, with multidisciplinary and led by clinical pharmacists, family doctors and pediatricians.

8. Create and develop policies for antibiotics in primary care.

9. Efficient use of antibiotics in veterinary slow its widespread use (representing 40 percent of total consumption of antibiotics in Spain).

10. Monitor the use, application and promotion of antibiotics by the food industry and chemical-pharmaceutical.

This document is intended to recall and reinforce other existing result of consensus among medical and pharmaceutical scientific societies.

Madrid, November 18, 2008

General Council of the Medical Association

Be informed about the risk of rheumatic diseases by tests free Fisalud.

Starting this Thursday November 27, the SER will be present in Hall 8 Ifema

The Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER) will be present as an employer and an exhibitor at the V International Exhibition of Health (Fisalud) from 27 to 30 November in Madrid, to inform about the various rheumatic diseases, which constitute a whole, the most prevalent chronic diseases in Spain, affecting 22.6% of the population.
During the four days of this fair, be conducted in the free and ultrasound densitometry (with a diagnostic test that determines bone mass) for the detection of some of the major rheumatic diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis . Similarly, specialists in rheumatology respond to the questions raised by the attendees on the locomotive.

For this, the SER will have a booth at the area designated for the general public, which in addition to the free trials, rheumatologists and patients' associations offer their knowledge and experience on rheumatic diseases, and which also have a space dedicated to the Day Hospital, a key tool in the control and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Also, the SER will offer a lecture series on the most common concerns of patients. They will, for example, assistive devices for people with rheumatoid arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia or rheumatoid diseases in the elderly.

In the space for the public sector, will be a booth where they will present, among other things, the various projects that the Society and the Spanish Foundation of Rheumatology currently being conducted: Expectancy Program on detection in Ankylosing Spondylitis consultations in primary care; Guipcar Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of rheumatoid arthritis; Biobadaser, the first record of biological therapies, or Epis, the first study of the prevalence of rheumatic diseases.

FISALUD is a free exhibition at which gather the main actors concerned with the world of health and healthcare professionals in all health areas, public institutions, associations, organizations and businesses of different nature.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pharmaceutical sector in 10 years to completely change

Financial consulting and auditing firm Deloitte, pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology fields, including health sector discuss the "Future of the Health Sector: Strategies for Success 2015'te" The report was released. Performed by The Economist Intelligence Unit of the organization based on the research according to the report, the sector is expecting major changes in the next ten years. Even in the future of the pharmaceutical companies do not have a portfolio of innovative medicines, yet be connected.

The report, carried out various researches in the health sector emerged as a result. March-April 2006 survey performed in 193 high-level managers and administrators participating in the business until 2015, and the success of what will change in the way in which strategy to adopt will have to answer questions. The report is being prepared, a round table meeting in June 2006, as well as global pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology companies with CEO DVDs and board members about the future of the industry and the company was held.

According to the report, the country of changes in demographic structure and population aging and changes in the appearance of diseases, new technologies to market entry, such as significant increase in health costs are factors operating in the sector of firms in business strategy needs to make serious changes.

The report also forms a major part of the health sector, pharmaceutical companies will need to develop a portfolio of innovative products is foreseen. Health sector companies operating in the next ten years to ensure success in the enterprise is required to set priorities. However, the company has not determined yet the corporate priorities. These companies will face in the future, standing in the competitive environment remains challenging new business models will need to be able to.

Health sector very difficult, but at the same time the prize is high, that indicates a waiting period Deloitte Turkey Tax Services Specialist Partners and Healthcare Industry Leader Zeki Kurt client, in the future of the sector will change down was expressed. Kurt client, in the description on the subject, said: "The most important sectors of the future will take place between companies in the health sector in developing countries will be more directed. Turkey's need to bring incentives to improve investment environment, developing infrastructure and people to benefit from these waves is important. And strategies for the coming period can read correctly, the right of companies and countries can draw from this growing economy will make the most of its blessings. "

Criteria for success will remain the same

According to the report, between 2006 and 2015 many things will change, but the company will not change the criteria for success: a profitable growth, the strength of high reputation and product portfolio.

Deloitte'un study, the future of the health sector, especially in terms of pharmaceutical companies, yet does not have a portfolio of products and services will depend on being saved. Companies reducing their costs, many more will have to offer innovative products to market. R & D approach by reviewing the need to make more effective sales and marketing company, the traditional approach will also be forced to change. Especially with the new drugs is extremely aggressive marketing strategy, has become increasingly politically unacceptable. These strategies better to focus on consumers will need to be rearranged.

Traditional strategies for commercial product to be effective. Companies in this issue and users will consider regulatory and industry will need to develop new approaches.

Araştırmada, companies in the health sector will have 2015'te critical thinking as the activity occurs is still not experts. Many of the companies to develop significant expertise in core areas is required. Recruit the best human resources and retention is important to you.

THE IMPORTANCE OF ART in developing markets is

Markets are developing in the future of the sector will play a big role. Companies are developing markets, R & D, including a wide range of activities will require a significant amount of investment. Until the year 2015 total revenue of firms in this sector to developing countries more than 25 percent is expected to get them.

Research katılan an important part of CEO among developing countries, China has placed on the top. Countries, high population, low costs and rapid economic growth in the healthcare sector looks attractive. The second sequence, robust economy, stable markets and low costs in this sector can produce products and services of Central European countries, sitting, and a large domestic market but also suitable for R & D has a business infrastructure that India was the third. Between Russia and the large number of qualified technicians and also with researchers in Eastern Europe between the eye of investors are in fourth position.

Significant growth in organic revenue in the sector of road will have to provide, mergers and acquisitions will continue. Important as a way to generate revenue of partnerships / alliances arise. Companies need to take advantage of partnership common in academic circles, and the receivers (the public and private) sectors to establish partnerships and links that could.

PwC 2020 in Pharmaceutical Sector Report

According to the report Global Pharmaceutical Market, with 1.3 trillion dollars 2020'de Growth to Double to reach. Turkey, one from the United Sunday 10 Olacak

International audit, consulting and tax services company PricewaterhouseCoopers'ın (PwC) report, the global pharmaceutical market is growing twice 2020'de will reach 1.3 trillion dollars. Turkey, will be one of the largest 10 markets.

PwC'nin''2020'de Pharmaceutical Sector: Vision How to Watch a Way?''According to the report, the global pharmaceutical market by 2020 exceeded the present value doubled to reach the 1.3 trillion dollars.

According to the report in the rapid increase in world demand in the pharmaceutical, global levels of population growth, aging, obesity and the widespread use of increasing levels of prosperity, the industry's growth will accelerate.

In 2020, the world of every 5 drugs referred to as 1 E7 developing countries Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and Turkey are expected to be sold.

However, developing countries, chronic illnesses in the developed countries take into benzer öngörülüyor.
China's 2nd largest in the world or 3 market is expected to be, Turkey and India's largest pharmaceutical market in the 10 will be considered to be definitive.

Wall St. rises, buoyed by drug sector deal

By Leah Schnurr

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks rose in choppy trade on Monday, lifted by optimism over a $68 billion takeover in the drug industry that offset a grim warning about the year ahead from Caterpillar and worries over the state of the financial sector.

A rare piece of good news for the recession-hit economy also helped sentiment, as sales of existing U.S. homes unexpectedly jumped 6.5 percent in December. The Dow Jones index of home builders' stocks .DJUSHB rose 2.7 percent.

Pfizer Inc (PFE.N), the world's biggest drug maker, said it would buy rival Wyeth (WYE.N) for about $68 billion, suggesting that some companies are attractively valued after a dismal 2008.

"We haven't seen any big deals in a while (so) it's an indication that there is potential for some deals to get done," said Kurt Brunner, portfolio manager at Swarthmore Group in Philadelphia.

Caterpillar (CAT.N) was the Dow's top drag after the heavy equipment maker forecast its 2009 profit would drop significantly from 2008 and said it would cut nearly 20,000 jobs. Caterpillar shed 8.4 percent to $32.67.

The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI rose 38.47 points, or 0.48 percent, to 8,116.03. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX added 4.62 points, or 0.56 percent, to 836.57. The Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC gained 12.17 points, or 0.82 percent, to 1,489.46.

The modest gains enabled the Dow to break a two-day losing streak. The broad S&P 500 is down more than 7 percent for the year so far, but it is up about 11 percent from the 11-year lows hit in late November. The S&P started the year up about 20 percent from those lows.

Home Depot (HD.N) was among a spate of companies to announce deep job cuts, with the world's largest home-improvement retailer slashing 7,000 jobs. The Dow component rose 4.7 percent to $22.73.

Companies across all sectors have been chopping jobs as they deal with slowing consumer demand and the fallout from the global economic downturn.

Pfizer tumbled 10.3 percent to $15.65 on worries over what benefits -- if any -- it may reap from the acquisition, which had been rumored since last week. It is the biggest non-financial deal since March 2008. Wyeth retreated from earlier gains, falling 0.8 percent to $43.39.

"I think there might be some questions about, all in all, what does it bring them," Brunner said of the Pfizer-Wyeth deal.

"Is this the solution that they need to offset the Lipitor (patent) expiration? And the fact that their pipeline isn't great, does this get them a big pipeline? That could be argued."

Financials turned lower in the afternoon and capped gains as investors fretted over whether the sector, which is at the heart of the credit crisis, will need to raise yet more capital. The S&P financial index .GSPF fell 2.1 percent.

Among financial-sector laggards, Regions Financial Corp (RF.N) tumbled 12 percent to $4.10 after influential banking analyst Richard Bove said it may slash its dividend by 90 percent.

Volume was moderate on the New York Stock Exchange, where about 1.27 billion shares changed hands, below last year's estimated daily average of 1.49 billion. On the Nasdaq, about 1.84 billion shares traded below last year's daily average of 2.28 billion.

Drugmakers' blockbuster hopes

NEW YORK ( -- The drugmakers Merck and Lilly are the biggest players in Big Pharma's late-stage pipeline, with three possible new blockbusters expected in the coming months.

Merck's experimental cholesterol drug Cordaptive appears to be the safest bet as a possible billion-dollar-a-year product, analysts say. But they're more cautious about the company's experimental diet drug taranabant since weight loss products are notoriously risky.

Also, analysts are guarded about Lilly's experimental heart disease drug prasugrel, a highly effective drug with potentially dangerous side effects.

Merck & Co., (MRK, Fortune 500) the drugmaker based in Whitehouse Station, N.J., is awaiting a regulatory decision on Cordaptive, which works by raising high density lipoprotein, or HDL, a beneficial form of cholesterol.

Merck filed its Cordaptive application to the Food and Drug Administration last year, and company spokesman Ron Rogers said a regulatory decision is expected this spring.

The market for cholesterol drugs is extremely lucrative. The drug market's biggest seller, Pfizer Inc.'s (PFE, Fortune 500) Lipitor, is a statin that lowers so-called "bad cholesterol," with nearly $13 billion in 2006 sales. But the market also faces generic pressure, since the patent on Merck's former blockbuster statin Zocor expired in 2006.

"Raising HDL is starting to become more and more appreciated as a part of cardiovascular health, and there aren't many things that can do that," said Les Funtleyder, analyst for Miller Tabak.

Funtleyder and James McKean, analyst for Atlantic Equities, both think that Cordaptive could hit $1 billion in annual sales within five years.

But Robert Hazlett, analyst for BMO Capital Markets, said that Cordaptive's side effect of facial flushing could "hold down sales," particularly since it would compete with Abbott's (ABT, Fortune 500) established drug Niaspan.

Analysts expect more serious obstacles for Merck's experimental weight loss drug, taranabant.

Merck is expected to seek FDA approval for taranabant, also known as MK-0364, sometime this year, though the company hasn't specified a filing date. Analysts are focusing on taranabant's similarities to Zimulti, a weight loss drug from the French drug company Sanofi-Aventis (SNY) that is also known as Acomplia or rimonabant.

Zimulti was shot down by a panel of FDA advisers in 2007 because of its tendency to cause depression and suicidal thoughts. Sanofi pulled Zimulti from the regulatory process in the U.S., despite the fact that is already approved in Europe, where it is widely used.

"Given the issues that Sanofi had with Zimulti, I'm pretty skeptical [about taranabant,]" said McKean.

Funtleyder said that taranabant is likely to fall under intense regulatory scrutiny even if there are no psychiatric effects like with Acomplia, because of the drug's potential for abuse by people obsessed with losing weight fast.

"People might use it for unintended uses," said Funtleyder. "Teenage girls might try to get their hands on it."

America is suffocating under the weight of an obesity epidemic and the money-making potential for a successful weight loss drug is huge.

But drugs in this class are often accompanied by dangerous or unpleasant side effects. For example, GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) over-the-counter diet drug Alli works by blocking the absorption of most fats, resulting in "more frequent stools that may be hard to control," according to the company.

Also, many people still have fresh memories of the fen-phen debacle. In 1997, Wyeth (WYE, Fortune 500), formerly known as American Home Products, was forced to take this weight loss drug off the market after some patients suffered complications with their heart valves, resulting in a $3.75 billion settlement from the company, though the true liability cost was billions more.

On Dec. 26, the Indianapolis-based drugmaker Eli Lilly & Co. (LLY, Fortune 500) filed its experimental drug prasugrel for FDA approval. This drug would be used to prevent heart attacks in patients receiving stents. If approved, the drug would be called Effient, said Lilly.

In November, Lilly released a study showing that its anti-clotting drug works better than Plavix, the blockbuster drug from Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY, Fortune 500). But prasugrel's potentially dangerous side effect of bleeding deflated the blockbuster expectations that many analysts had for the drug.

"It looks like [prasugrel] is highly effective, but the safety is questionable," said Michael Krensavage, analyst for Raymond James & Associates. "It would be a gigantic drug if they could provide superiority to Plavix, which they did with efficacy, but not with safety."

But there is a bright spot for prasugrel, said Hazlett of BMO Capital Markets, because tests have shown that diabetics did not suffer any extra bleeding risk with the drug. He said that prasugrel could succeed as a niche drug for diabetics undergoing stent procedures.

Dr. Anthony Ware, Lilly's vice president and cardiovascular leader for prasugrel, said that bleeding was increased only within 20 percent of the patients. Those patients all had a history of stroke, or weighed less than 130 pounds or were older than 75 years of age. The other 80 percent of the patients "did not have significant increase in bleeding," Ware said, adding that the "safety in the entire population is acceptable" and the efficacy is "superior."

In addition, Ware said that Lilly will begin late-stage testing in the second quarter for a broader population - preventing heart attacks in patients who are not receiving stents.

Since analysts tend to be down on prasugrel, any successes with the drug could lift Lilly's stock.

"Skepticism is priced in, and there's a good chance for outperformance from prasugrel," said Hazlett.

Drug Sector to Change Entirely in 10 Years

Deloitte, a financial counseling and audit company, published its report titled "Future of the Health Sector: Strategies for Success in 2015" in which medical sector including the fields of medicine, medical devices and biotechnology was dealt with. According to the report of the organization based on the research it realized along with The Economist Intelligence Unit, there are important changes awaiting the sector in the next ten years. The future of the drug firms will be based on innovative drugs not even in their portfolio yet.

The report revealed as a result of various researches realized in the health sector. 193 senior executives and administrators participating in the questionnaire study realized in March-April 2006 answered the questions on how the enterprises will change until 2015 and what strategies they will adopt to be successful. When preparing the report, not only a round table meeting was held in June 2006, but interviews with the CEOs and members of the board of directors of global drug, medical device and biotechnology companies were made on the future of the sector and the companies.

According to the report, the changes in the demographic structure of the countries and aging populations, changes in the appearance of the diseases, new technologies in the market, factors like the big increase in the health expenses require a serious change in the business strategies of the firms operating in the sector. The report also foresees that the drug firms constituting a significant portion of the health sector should develop their innovative product portfolio. The firms active in the medical sector are required to determine their corporate priorities to assure success in the next ten years. However, firms have not determined their corporate priorities yet. These firms are going to need new business models to stand the hard competitive environment they are to face in the future.

Deloitte Turkey Tax Services Partner in Charge and the Leader of Health Industry Zeki Kurtçu, indicating that a hard era awaits the health sector but with high rewards, expressed that the sector will change substantially in the prospective period. Kurtçu said: “The firms in the health sector, one of the most important sectors of the future, will turn more to the developing countries. It is highly important that Turkey provides concessions to improve the investment environment and develop human substructure to benefit from that wave. The firms and countries that can read the prospective period well and shape right strategies will benefit from the advantages of the growing economy."

Success Criteria Will Remain
According to the report, there are a lot to change between 2006 and 2015, but success criteria of the firms are not among them: Profitable growth, high credit and powerful product portfolio. In Deloitte’s study, it is noted that the future of the health sector relies particularly for the drug firms, on products and services not included in their portfolio yet.

While the firms reduce their costs, they will have to offer several innovative products. The firms which need to review their R&D approaches to make it more effective will have to change their traditional sales and marketing approaches too. It gradually becomes politically unacceptable that the new drugs are marketed with an excessively aggressive strategy. Such strategies will have to be designed in a way to focus better on the consumers.

Traditional strategies to commercialize the product will not be effective any more. The firms will have to develop new approaches that take into consideration both the users and the regulators of the sector. The research reveals that the companies in the health sector are not experts yet in activities which are thought to become critical in 2015. Companies need to improve their expertise in several core areas. Recruitment and keeping of the best human resources will be highly important.

Developing Markets Get More Important
Developing markets will play a big role in the future of the sector. Companies will need to invest significant amounts to a wide range of activities including R&D in the developing markets. It is expected that the firms in the sector achieve more than 25 percent of their total incomes from developing countries until 2015.

A substantial part of the CEOs participating in the research put China to the top among the developing countries. The country seems appealing to the health sector with its high population, low costs and rapid economic growth. Mid-European countries that produce products and services in this sector with their stable market and low costs ranked second, and India, which has a big domestic market and a work substructure that is suitable for R&D ranked third. As to Eastern Europe including Russia, which has several qualified technicians and researchers, ranked forth among the favorites of the investors.

It will be hard to achieve considerable growth by organic means, mergers and purchases will continue. Partnerships/alliances will occur as an important way of earning revenues. Firms will establish partnerships and connections with either academic environments or purchasers (public and private) taking advantage of spreading partnerships.

Turkish Drug Sector Heads toward the World Market

The fact that the drug sector of Turkey entered among the numerous drug markets having reached a size of 10.9 billion YTL in 2007, was quite appetizing for the foreigners. 15 of the biggest 20 drug firms in Turkey were obtained by foreigners. It is expected that Turkey climbs up to rank 10th in the list of 2010 world drug consumption.

Turkey, which was included among numerous drug markets of the world, became the favorite of the foreign firms upon development of the health services. International companies suggest that Turkey will be the biggest but 10th drug market of the world within the 3 years ahead. Foreign companies increase their shares in the Turkish market, and domestic firms try to be active in a wide geography from countries of the region to the Europe and American markets. Turkish drug on prescription market reached 1.2 billion pcs. of sale and 9.5 billion YTL of turnover figures in 2006. However, in 2007, Turkish drug market which grew by 12 percent with the sale of 1.3 billion boxes of drugs, closed the year with a turnover of 10.9 billion YTL. According to the data of Drug Industry Employers Union (İEİS), the sector grew by 8 percent on box basis and 14.5 percent on amount basis in 2007.

According to the IMS Global Drug Market and Therapy Forecast disclosed in November 2007, the developing drug markets which include Turkey will grow by 12-13 percent in 2008. The reason why the market estimations point at growth is shown as increased access to drugs as a result of developed health services. Another important reason for the drug producers to turn to Turkey is that drug consumption per capita is low. It is indicated that annual drug consumption per capita is 500 dollars in Europe and 900 in the USA, in contrast to Turkey, which is 100 dollars. It is expected that Turkey will climb up to rank 10th in the list of 2010 world drug consumption.

The biggest expectation of the generic and innovative drug representatives pursuing activities in Turkey is continuous reforms in 2008 and accelerating the processes of registration. Besides, instead of measures with a price focus, use of equivalent drugs is encouraged to contribute to development of the sector and savings in the public.

Erosion of the Prices Reduced Growth
The fact that the drug sector of Turkey entered among the numerous drug markets having reached a size of 10.9 billion YTL in 2007, is not only quite appetizing for the foreigners but also forces the local players to strengthen their hands. Foreign investors who increased their weight in the sector within the last few years showed their belief in the market by buying 75 percent of Eczacıbaşı Medicine. It was a marking development of 2007 that Zentiva, the market leader of Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania, bought the shares of Eczacıbaşı İlaç Sanayi to enter Turkey.

The performance of the sector in the first 10 months of 2007 points the rightfulness of expectations. The share of equivalent drugs also shows a rise in a market growing 9.4 percent on box basis and 18.8 percent on amount basis compared to the same period of the last year. The market share of the equivalent drugs was 50.7 percent on box basis and 32.8 percent on amount basis in 2006. In the first 10 months of 2007, equivalent drug market share rose by 1.2 percent on box basis to reach 51 percent.

IEIS Secretary General Turgut Tokgöz shows the price erosion in the market as the reason why the same growth was not experienced on amount basis. Drug prices that increased 15 percent in the second half of 2006 showed a fast fall in June 2007. Periodic Euro value was renounced within the framework of the "Price Decree" which was published in June 2007 and the "Price Communiqué" published in September 2007. This caused falls up to 7.12 percent in the prices as from November 16th

Drug Export Increased by 15 Percent
The market growth also reflected on the export rates. In the first 10 months of 2007, export reached 292 million dollars with an increase of 18 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. Export, which was 311 million dollars with a growth of 10 percent in 2006, reached 360 million dollars with a growth of approximately 15 percent in late 2007. The biggest reason for this is that last year foreigners entered the Turkish market as domestic companies made their decision in favor of foreign countries.

Abdi İbrahim and Bilim İlaç increased their power in the Middle East and in markets of the region, while Mustafa Nevzat entered the biggest medicine market of the world, the USA. The company which made necessary applications last year to have its drugs approved, shipped for the first time in 2007. Import reached 2.8 billion dollars in the first 10 months with a growth of 14 percent, and ascended up to 3.4 billion dollars at the end of the year. In 2006, drug export amounting to 3 billion dollars was done.

Concession for Equivalent Instead of Price Discount
Not only the developments in the sector are quite appetizing for the foreigners but also they force the local players to strengthen their hands. The common expectation of the sector players is a bit more care about arrangements on the market. Turgut Tokgöz said "Measures of saving in our country to reduce the cost on implementations facilitating access to drugs focuses merely on drug prices" and recommends "Implementation of policies encouraging equivalent drugs instead of price-focused measures would not only contribute to the development of our industry, but also cause more savings in the public expenses".

Tokgöz, who points at the fact that the entire world strives to encourage consumption of equivalent drugs, goes on: "Europe encourages use of equivalent drugs for the last 10 years for the purpose of ensuring savings in extra-patent product market to reserve some revenues to new medicine and treatments. Thanks to the use of equivalent drugs, it is calculated that 20 billion euros of savings are earned every year in the EU. In the USA, equivalent drugs are preferred 90 percent. This rate is 70 percent in Denmark, Holland, Britain and Germany. As to our country, the ratio is 52 percent, and its elevation with various concession policies is very important particularly in that it contributes to the sustainability of our health system.”

As Tokgöz mentioned, in order to increase the use of equivalent drugs accounting only for the half of the market, it is expected that first the registration process of the equivalent drugs should be accelerated and then their timely entry to the reimbursement lists should be ensured. Tokgöz expressed another expectation in the sector by saying "Various restrictions imposed on the prescribing rules within the scope of arrangements setting forth the reimbursement system adversely affect the health service provided by the public. The arrangements for savings in the reimbursement system should be planned rationally and realistically."

Reforms Must Go On
Secretary General of Researcher Medicine Firms Association Engin Güner stated that the market advances positively in general. Güner, who told the data protection and reference price implementations that took effect in 2005 strengthened Turkey in the international arena, pointed at the fact that access to medicine showed an increase after having opened the gate of free pharmacists to SSK members and green card holders. Güner noted that all such steps made the international medicine sector get interested in Turkey and added "Not only researcher medicine firms, but also some generic drug producers used their excess capacities to increase their export. Turkey needs to sustain her speed in the medicine sector in 2008 too. This can be made by continuing reforms in the field of health and medicine, and making international standards dominant in our sector."

Güner also indicated that as in all sectors, focusing on innovation in the medicine sector, encouraging of R&D, adoption of transparency in decision and implementations, and implementation of stable policies are necessary and said Turkey is powerful enough to attract 700 million dollars of R&D investment a year.

15 Medicine Firms Involved in Foreign Capital
The foreign capital wave in the drug sector starting with sale of Ilsan Iltas to German Hexal and Ibrahim Ethem to Italian Menarini went on with Eczacıbaşı in 2007. With that last development, 15 of the biggest 20 drug companies in Turkey became a part of foreign capital. The most important leap of the foreign capital in the Turkish market was the sale of Fako medicine to Actavis group against 63 million dollars in 2003. In 2006, Actavis obtained the remaining 11 percent share of Fako against 20.4 million dollars. Besides, Ilsan-Hexal was launched as Sandoz İlaç in Turkey upon Novartis buying German Hexal AG drug company in 2005. Thus, Sandoz, which produced generic drugs under Novartis in 2006, turned back to Turkey after an interval of 10 years. Furthermore, Roche, which quitted production in 2006, turned its route to R&D. Although they do not plan to open a center in Turkey currently, Roche will focus more on clinic research activities with Turkish hospitals. Such approach by Roche puts light on the Turkish projects of foreign companies. Foreign drug companies which generally remain off the production stage except for Sandoz, prefer pursuing clinic researches in Turkey. The companies awaiting the completion of the scientific substructure in both the regulations and the universities and hospitals plan to turn Turkey into an R&D center in the future.

Mustafa Nevzat General Manager Levent Selamoğlu said: We sent 1 million boxes of medicine to the USA in 2007. Mustafa Nevzat İlaç, which closed 2007 with a turnover of approximately 130 million dollars, shall continue growth in 2009 through export. The target of the company which entered the USA after Germany, Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Algeria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malesia, Malta, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Vietnam is to export merely to America at an amount of 300 million dollars in 2010. Mustafa Nevzat General Manager Levent Selamoğlu told they sent 1 million boxes of medicine to the USA in 2007, indicated that currently they achieved 15 percent of their turnover from export. Selamoğlu expressed they made an investment amounting to 90 million dollars in the field of production since 2000, and said they will start production for domestic and foreign markets upon completion of the new plants this year.

MSD Foreign Relations Director Jeff Kemprecos said: We will weight R&D in Turkey. Merck Sharp&Dohme (MSD) spending 4.5 billion dollars on R&D throughout the world gets prepared to increase its activities in Turkey. "We target at increasing our research activities and capacity in Turkey. The key to the prospective investment in Turkey of MSD is closely related to the speed of reforms and policies that develop the investment atmosphere for innovative products", and added 2008 would be a critical year in terms of actions. Kemprecos told they had been talking to the government as researcher firms for two years, and said they waited launching of reforms such as shortening of registration process. Kemprecos stated they expected a growth of 10-20 percent in Turkey in the field of innovative medicine, and indicated that they reinforced their product range as a company in 2007.