Saturday, February 14, 2009

The SEIMC warns of change in the pattern of infection with HIV and the importance of early detection.

• The majority of HIV-infected patients are diagnosed when their immune system is very weak, as the Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (SEIMC)

• SEIMC recommends that all those who have a known risk can be tested for HIV / AIDS

• According to recent epidemiological data, the majority of infections in Spain occur through sexual transmission (72%), with significant growth among immigrants (27% of new HIV infected)

The Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (SEIMC) which groups the majority of clinical microbiologists and infectious disease specialists warned on the occasion of the celebration of World AIDS Day, the importance of testing for HIV all persons who have had unprotected sex.

GESIDA, the study group SEIMC dedicated to the research of HIV / AIDS, stressed that doctors usually detect the disease when the immune system of patients is too weak. The patients in this situation may benefit less from treatment and a higher risk of complications. According to the latest data available, a 38.2% of patients had HIV detected too late. This late diagnosis is of particular concern in heterosexuals (43.3%) especially in those older than 55 years (61.3%).

On the occasion of the celebration of World AIDS Day, Dr. Federico Pulido, president of GESIDA, says: "In our society we try to contribute to progress in the prevention and improved treatments for AIDS in Spain, so we continue to insist on the importance of all persons who have considered risk practices, such as having had unprotected sex, is conducting the HIV test, and do not expect to show symptoms of the disease hacérsela.

Infection through sexual transmission remains the most frequent

According to epidemiological data are available the majority of new HIV infections were contracted through sexual contact (72%) and only 21% had a history of injecting drug use. Among men, 48% transmission for homo / bisexual and 24% heterosexual, while for women 74% were due to heterosexual transmission. Finally, 27% of these patients came from different places in Spain, mostly from Latin America (16%) and Sub-Saharan Africa (5%).
According to these data, gay men / bisexuals with a recent infection by HIV are mostly Spanish and Latin American have a higher educational level than in other types of transmission and their clinical status was better, with smaller proportions of AIDS cases in the time of diagnosis. Heterosexual women have a good clinical condition, were younger when they detect the disease and among them is the greater proportion of immigrants. The worst part was wearing the heterosexual men, who enter with an older and more delicate state of health. They have a low educational level and almost 30% come from outside Spain.

By Juan Carlos López Bernaldo de Quirós, a specialist of the Unit of Infectious Diseases / HIV Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, "about HIV, there is a relaxation of concern, which affects the generation that did not live the hard years of AIDS. The lack of perception of risk is particularly serious among young homosexuals. In addition we are increasingly the diagnosis of HIV infection is so late. In many of these occasions, before the establishment of the diagnosis of HIV, patients have had contact with the health system without having done the test. Therefore, from SEIMC also calls on health professionals a greater level of suspicion of HIV infection, especially in people with risk of unsafe practices. "

The Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (SEIMC) brings together professionals working in the field of infectious disease, both from a clinical point of view as the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious processes. Its main purpose is to promote, encourage and disseminate the study and investigation of the Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, in terms of epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control is concerned, as well as their interrelationships. It currently has more than 2,400 partners, over 1,400 of the section of Clinical Microbiology and about 1000 to the Infectious Diseases.

GESIDA (AIDS Study Group of SEIMC) brings together the majority of physicians who care for people with HIV / AIDS in Spain. Among its functions is to promote research on HIV infection, its complications and its treatment. To do so is supported by the Foundation SEIMC / GESIDA. GESIDA and the Foundation SEIMC / GESIDA are up more than 20 research projects, including clinical trials and observational studies. Collaborate in these studies over 6000 patients.

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