Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality endorses only products that have been researched by the Institute and which the Institute considers safe and effective. The Institute's name as well as those of Dr. Ted McIlvenna, the board, faculty members and the researchers, are being used without permission to endorse and promote other products not researched by the Institute. The only products for which the Institute has granted a license for these names to be used are: Vigorex forte and Vigorex femme (US trademarks); Passion's Fire; Pleasure; Nutrisex; ProformRX; Improvex and Climatique.
Sexual Stimulants for Women
Patti Britton
Question :
I've heard a lot of talk about the sexual stimulant Vigorex Femme, but how safe is it? I am interested in trying it, but there has to be some possible side effects -- like they say, when something sounds to good to be true it usually is! --N
Answer :
Dear N:
There are many so-called natural sexual stimulants in the marketplace today. Vigorex Femme is one of the legitimate ones. I did some of the original clinical research on this homeopathic product. It's natural and safe and can be effective for men and women depending on certain factors. It's made of extract of green oats, which works to unbind the body's testosterone. I also like an equivalent product called Allurex, which is available on my site.
I also recommend two other natural sexual enhancement products. Their formulations are based on modern sexological science and the ancient science of Chinese herbal medicine fused with new biomedical techniques. The product for men is Top Gun. It's an all-natural, safe herbal formulation, clinically tested and now being taken by thousands of men nationwide. The female product, Sensativa, is still in clinical trials. These products are both aphrodisiacs and sexual stimulants, and unlike other sexual enhancement supplements they nourish and strengthen the body for greater sexual health and well-being. To order these products, call 1-888-633-7768. For participation in the clinical trials, send an email to me at info@www.yoursexcoach.com.
The side effects of all of these products are similar to the negative effects from being too sexually aroused without an appropriate outlet. Unless you have an outlet for the release of sexual tension or energy, including self-pleasuring, these products may not work for your personal needs. Occasionally there have also been reports of agitation, nervousness and slight headaches, all of which are often cured by a good orgasm. There are no reported medical side effects. Keep in mind that these products do not work for everyone. For that reason, be sure to make sure that whatever type of product you order offers a money-back guarantee. To be on the safe side, also be sure to ask your doctor before taking natural supplements of any kind, especially if you are taking medications or have a known medical condition. And always look for products backed by experts with solid credentials and medical clinical trials to validate their claims.
Patti Britton
Question :
I've heard a lot of talk about the sexual stimulant Vigorex Femme, but how safe is it? I am interested in trying it, but there has to be some possible side effects -- like they say, when something sounds to good to be true it usually is! --N
Answer :
Dear N:
There are many so-called natural sexual stimulants in the marketplace today. Vigorex Femme is one of the legitimate ones. I did some of the original clinical research on this homeopathic product. It's natural and safe and can be effective for men and women depending on certain factors. It's made of extract of green oats, which works to unbind the body's testosterone. I also like an equivalent product called Allurex, which is available on my site.
I also recommend two other natural sexual enhancement products. Their formulations are based on modern sexological science and the ancient science of Chinese herbal medicine fused with new biomedical techniques. The product for men is Top Gun. It's an all-natural, safe herbal formulation, clinically tested and now being taken by thousands of men nationwide. The female product, Sensativa, is still in clinical trials. These products are both aphrodisiacs and sexual stimulants, and unlike other sexual enhancement supplements they nourish and strengthen the body for greater sexual health and well-being. To order these products, call 1-888-633-7768. For participation in the clinical trials, send an email to me at info@www.yoursexcoach.com.
The side effects of all of these products are similar to the negative effects from being too sexually aroused without an appropriate outlet. Unless you have an outlet for the release of sexual tension or energy, including self-pleasuring, these products may not work for your personal needs. Occasionally there have also been reports of agitation, nervousness and slight headaches, all of which are often cured by a good orgasm. There are no reported medical side effects. Keep in mind that these products do not work for everyone. For that reason, be sure to make sure that whatever type of product you order offers a money-back guarantee. To be on the safe side, also be sure to ask your doctor before taking natural supplements of any kind, especially if you are taking medications or have a known medical condition. And always look for products backed by experts with solid credentials and medical clinical trials to validate their claims.
Vigorex Femme for Women-2
Sometimes we all need a little boost - juggling a career and a social life, or a family, can take its toll and leave you feeling jaded, tired and lacking in energy and confidence, especially in the bedroom.
- Strength/ Energy Booster and Homeopathic Tonic
- Provides Nutrition
- Assists Concentration, in cases of Asthenia Eyes tiredness and for the mind to improve concentration
- Improves feelings of well being
- Beneficial to women with under developed Mammary Glands.
- Relief Stress and increase stamina
- Maximum Strength and Sexual function
Products Information
- Herbal Pills
- A Homeopathic extract from Avena Sativa and Saw Palmetto < Palm Seed>
- The Products formulated under strict compliance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States < HPUS>. They contain no colorings, preservatives, pesticide residues, or any substance that is harmful to ingest. Tested & Approved by Australia TGA, Health Sciences Authority of Singapore, Japan & Korea FDA, and Numerous Health Ministry across the globe.
Who need Vigorex - Anyone with a busy lifestyle including:
- Married Women and Stressful Mother
- Sports Enthusiasts
- Drivers < Long Hours; Night Duties Eg. Travelling, Drivers>
- Busy Sales Executives & Professional Athletes; etc
Vigorex Femme
For Female, Vigorex Femme contains potentised extract of Avena Sativa and Saw Palmetto, it is a herbal homeopathic formula which has no harmful side affects.
Usage: Per Box 30 capsules (500mg), 1 capsules 10 mins before breakfast.
How does it work?
EXTRACTS are taken from the berry of this small fan shaped palm mainly found in the steamy heart of Florida in the USA amidst sand pine scrub and in the undergrowth of the other woodland areas.
America Indians found that the extracts from the berry enhanced intimacy desire and frequently used it as an arousal of intimacy in both men and women. They also used the berry for treatment of urinary tract infections and venereal disease.
SAW PALMETTO assists the thyroid helping regulate reproductive organs. The Materia Medica specifically mentions "Valuable for underdeveloped mammary glands" as well as "Suppressed intimacy inclinations in females:
European Clinical Research has found benefit to women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), which tend to have higher levels of testosterone and DHT than other women.
One of the most troubling symptoms of women with PCOS is hirsutism (too much hair, in the wrong places). Hirsutism is thought to be mostly due to excessive levels of androgenic hormones. Examples of androgens are testosterone, androstenedione, and DHEA.
Testosterone is the main androgen we’re concerned about. It’s normal for men to have a lot of testosterone and for women to have some. In both men and women, testosterone is converted into a more potent hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is the hormone in your skin that stimulates hirsutism, which is male pattern hair growth. If you can reduce DHT, you may be able to reduce hirsutism (hair growing where you don't want it) or male pattern hair loss (restoring hair where you do want it).
Saw palmetto may help with the following PCOS symptoms:
* Hirsutism (too much hair in the wrong places)
* Male pattern baldness or hair loss.
SAW PALMETTO has naturally occurring free fatty acids, sterols, carotenes, tannins and an enzyme called lipase, which metabolises fats. These substances release into the blood stream improving blood flow and provide measurable energy increase and stamina. SAW PALMETTO has now been recognized for its efficacy in the assisting both men and women in the treatment of many ailments and suffer from modern day trappings (Alcohol, over indulgence, digestive tract discomfort) Saw Palmetto is a natural herb with few negative side effects taken as directed by your health professional may benefit male and female alike. Most common response from taking SAW PALMETTO is a feeling of well being increased intimacy and energy levels.
AVENA SATIVA has a selective action on the brain and nervous system, favourably influencing the nutritive function.
Intimacy debility, nervous exhaustion and the morphine habit call for this remedy in rather material dosage. Best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases ie. Nerves, Chorea, Epilepsy, Post Diptheretic, Paralysis, Rheumatism of the heart (REF page 1151 Dorman's 26th edition) Colds, Acute Coryza (Acute nasal mucus), Alcoholism, sleeplessness (particularly in alcoholics and bad effects of morphine habit)
The Chinese found when "Green Oat" was thrown into breeding ponds the fish multiplied dramatically and grew to a larger size then previously. The idiom "sow your wild oats" is well known in Western society. Pure bred horses thrive on Green oats. Hahnemann the recognized father of Homeopathy in Germany also discovered the therapeutic benefits of Avena Sativa (Green Oats) and most other botanical extracts.
Twenty years ago the institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco began a series of studies testing the effect of Avena Sativa on the performance of female and male volunteers for a period of six weeks. Subjects were instructed to take the extract of Avena Sativa on three days of each week and record their daily thoughts, activities and evaluations daily. Results indicated a marked enhancement in stamina, intimacy and general feelings of well being.
The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco is a degree college, which has been involved in over 20 years of research in all aspects of Human Sexuality. Avena Sativa extract, when Homeopathically potentised to IX and ingested by both male and female subjects enhanced sometimes with dramatic results, however male subjects experienced higher levels of intimacy thoughts and arousal and change then did female subjects. Ongoing research today indicates Avena Sativa, common green oats, has an important role in addressing the many problems facing mankind. In 1982 the College for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality undertook an exhaustive double blind cross over study on the effects of Avena Sativa on a wide range of male and female subjects. The results backed up earlier research and also uncovered that older subject in both dormant intimacy thoughts acts and improved capability. Again the feeling of well being was a common result.
Later research has found when IX potency of Avena Sativa and IX potency of Saw Palmetto were combined female subjects noticed a marked improvement on all parameters.
Avena Sativa has natural occurring Amino Acids, Vitamins BDE, Minerals Sillicum, Potassium, Zinc, Copper trace, Beta Glucan (Lichens) Proteins, Peptides, Lipids, Beta Sitosterins, Flavenoids, Polyphenol, Gramin Vanillo and Glycosid.
No negative side effects were reported in any of the subjects other than a small percentage who had a reaction to oats.
"Thank you so much for selling the Vigorex Femme Saw Palmetto extract. I've been on 4 medications in the past for PCOS that never had an effect except for making me feel bad. I've been losing my hair for the past few years, despite not even being 30 yet, and it was very noticeable at my hair part. After using the extract for 2 months, my once sparse hair part has visibly improved! There's also a lot less hair falling out on my hairbrush than there used to be!"
"As I had been a singer in Thailand for the past 7 years, my body was weak after all the rush performance on stage and recording. After taking Vigorex Femme for about 3 weeks, I noticed a recovery in energy level and my beautician had told me my facial complexion is getting better and behave more lively. I really felt happy hearing that."
"Since my consumption of Vigorex Femme, I noticed a significant improvement in my energy and intimacy enthusiasm, I have not noticed any side effects, I sincerely recommend to everyone."
- Strength/ Energy Booster and Homeopathic Tonic
- Provides Nutrition
- Assists Concentration, in cases of Asthenia Eyes tiredness and for the mind to improve concentration
- Improves feelings of well being
- Beneficial to women with under developed Mammary Glands.
- Relief Stress and increase stamina
- Maximum Strength and Sexual function
Products Information
- Herbal Pills
- A Homeopathic extract from Avena Sativa
- The Products formulated under strict compliance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States < HPUS>. They contain no colorings, preservatives, pesticide residues, or any substance that is harmful to ingest. Tested & Approved by Australia TGA, Health Sciences Authority of Singapore
Who need Vigorex - Anyone with a busy lifestyle including:
- Married Women and Stressful Mother
- Sports Enthusiasts
- Drivers < Long Hours; Night Duties Eg. Travelling, Drivers>
- Busy Sales Executives & Professional Athletes; etc
Vigorex Femme
For Female, Vigorex Femme contains potentised extract of Avena Sativa and Saw Palmetto, it is a herbal homeopathic formula which has no harmful side affects.
Usage: Per Box 30 capsules (500mg), 1 capsules 10 mins before breakfast.
How does it work?
EXTRACTS are taken from the berry of this small fan shaped palm mainly found in the steamy heart of Florida in the USA amidst sand pine scrub and in the undergrowth of the other woodland areas.
America Indians found that the extracts from the berry enhanced intimacy desire and frequently used it as an arousal of intimacy in both men and women. They also used the berry for treatment of urinary tract infections and venereal disease.
SAW PALMETTO assists the thyroid helping regulate reproductive organs. The Materia Medica specifically mentions "Valuable for underdeveloped mammary glands
European Clinical Research has found benefit to women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), which tend to have higher levels of testosterone and DHT than other women.
One of the most troubling symptoms of women with PCOS is hirsutism (too much hair, in the wrong places). Hirsutism is thought to be mostly due to excessive levels of androgenic hormones. Examples of androgens are testosterone, androstenedione, and DHEA.
Testosterone is the main androgen we’re concerned about. It’s normal for men to have a lot of testosterone and for women to have some. In both men and women, testosterone is converted into a more potent hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is the hormone in your skin that stimulates hirsutism, which is male pattern hair growth. If you can reduce DHT, you may be able to reduce hirsutism (hair growing where you don't want it) or male pattern hair loss (restoring hair where you do want it).
Saw palmetto may help with the following PCOS symptoms:
* Hirsutism (too much hair in the wrong places)
* Male pattern baldness or hair loss.
SAW PALMETTO has naturally occurring free fatty acids, sterols, carotenes, tannins and an enzyme called lipase, which metabolises fats. These substances release into the blood stream improving blood flow and provide measurable energy increase and stamina. SAW PALMETTO has now been recognized for its efficacy in the assisting both men and women in the treatment of many ailments and suffer from modern day trappings (Alcohol, over indulgence, digestive tract discomfort) Saw Palmetto is a natural herb with few negative side effects taken as directed by your health professional may benefit male and female alike. Most common response from taking SAW PALMETTO is a feeling of well being increased intimacy and energy levels.
AVENA SATIVA has a selective action on the brain and nervous system, favourably influencing the nutritive function.
Intimacy debility, nervous exhaustion and the morphine habit call for this remedy in rather material dosage. Best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases ie. Nerves, Chorea, Epilepsy, Post Diptheretic, Paralysis, Rheumatism of the heart (REF page 1151 Dorman's 26th edition) Colds, Acute Coryza (Acute nasal mucus), Alcoholism, sleeplessness (particularly in alcoholics and bad effects of morphine habit)
The Chinese found when "Green Oat" was thrown into breeding ponds the fish multiplied dramatically and grew to a larger size then previously. The idiom "sow your wild oats" is well known in Western society. Pure bred horses thrive on Green oats. Hahnemann the recognized father of Homeopathy in Germany also discovered the therapeutic benefits of Avena Sativa (Green Oats) and most other botanical extracts.
Twenty years ago the institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco began a series of studies testing the effect of Avena Sativa on the performance of female and male volunteers for a period of six weeks. Subjects were instructed to take the extract of Avena Sativa on three days of each week and record their daily thoughts, activities and evaluations daily. Results indicated a marked enhancement in stamina, intimacy and general feelings of well being.
The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco is a degree college, which has been involved in over 20 years of research in all aspects of Human Sexuality. Avena Sativa extract, when Homeopathically potentised to IX and ingested by both male and female subjects enhanced sometimes with dramatic results, however male subjects experienced higher levels of intimacy thoughts and arousal and change then did female subjects. Ongoing research today indicates Avena Sativa, common green oats, has an important role in addressing the many problems facing mankind. In 1982 the College for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality undertook an exhaustive double blind cross over study on the effects of Avena Sativa on a wide range of male and female subjects. The results backed up earlier research and also uncovered that older subject in both dormant intimacy thoughts acts and improved capability. Again the feeling of well being was a common result.
Later research has found when IX potency of Avena Sativa and IX potency of Saw Palmetto were combined female subjects noticed a marked improvement on all parameters.
Avena Sativa has natural occurring Amino Acids, Vitamins BDE, Minerals Sillicum, Potassium, Zinc, Copper trace, Beta Glucan (Lichens) Proteins, Peptides, Lipids, Beta Sitosterins, Flavenoids, Polyphenol, Gramin Vanillo and Glycosid.
No negative side effects were reported in any of the subjects other than a small percentage who had a reaction to oats.
"Thank you so much for selling the Vigorex Femme Saw Palmetto extract. I've been on 4 medications in the past for PCOS that never had an effect except for making me feel bad. I've been losing my hair for the past few years, despite not even being 30 yet, and it was very noticeable at my hair part. After using the extract for 2 months, my once sparse hair part has visibly improved! There's also a lot less hair falling out on my hairbrush than there used to be!"
"As I had been a singer in Thailand for the past 7 years, my body was weak after all the rush performance on stage and recording. After taking Vigorex Femme for about 3 weeks, I noticed a recovery in energy level and my beautician had told me my facial complexion is getting better and behave more lively. I really felt happy hearing that."
"Since my consumption of Vigorex Femme, I noticed a significant improvement in my energy and intimacy enthusiasm, I have not noticed any side effects, I sincerely recommend to everyone."
Vigorex Femme for Women
Vigorex is a powerful, homeopathic formula containing the concentrated extract Avena Sativa. While the effects of Avena Sativa are most marked on sexual performance and pleasure, the extract also assists with:
* Improved sleep
* Relief from physical fatigue
* Increased alertness on waking
* Feelings of general well-being
* Relief of stress
* Faster recovery time
* Increased endurance
* Enhanced stamina
* Faster relief from muscle fatigue
* Increased strength
* Improved sleep
* Relief from physical fatigue
* Increased alertness on waking
* Feelings of general well-being
* Relief of stress
* Faster recovery time
* Increased endurance
* Enhanced stamina
* Faster relief from muscle fatigue
* Increased strength
Female Viagra on the market: vigorex femme
Male sexual impotence drug Viagra is used to resolve the issue after the increase in sexual desire for women and plant extracts from the natural medicine 'Vigorex Femme' was released in the United States. Vigorex Femme'in, San Francisco Center for Sex Research Institute at the approximately 1-year period, including 32 women over the age of 40 it was stated that research results are developed.
On female patients, made from green oat Ohio University professor Vigorex gynecologist Dr. Femme'i attempt. J. Dudley Chapman, in his statement, 'This is the name of science, but also a very important meeting for the millions of women,' he said. Chapman, 'This drug, is prepared entirely from plant extracts and cheap. Linked to low sexual desire menopause because women with depression in patients works merely spoke. Shows the effect of short duration Vigorex Femme, less than $ 26.95 in the U.S. (approximately 12 million USD) has been released.
On female patients, made from green oat Ohio University professor Vigorex gynecologist Dr. Femme'i attempt. J. Dudley Chapman, in his statement, 'This is the name of science, but also a very important meeting for the millions of women,' he said. Chapman, 'This drug, is prepared entirely from plant extracts and cheap. Linked to low sexual desire menopause because women with depression in patients works merely spoke. Shows the effect of short duration Vigorex Femme, less than $ 26.95 in the U.S. (approximately 12 million USD) has been released.
Viagra ON WOMEN: vigorex femme
Last day the women sit in the agenda of the press in the magazines about viagra Medical Association Vice President Recep SEXUAL a press VAROL description was written.
Is used to resolve the problem of male sexual impotence drug Viagra is named after the women to increase sexual desire during the drugs market was ardı. SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL women called as Viagra, hormone Estalis Band, "TabletVigorex Femme Signergy pills, Nexcite Syrup and Cream products such as Vitara, and wondered about the unknown, they announced. Estalis Hormone Band, Femme Vigorex pills, and Vitara Nexcite Cream Syrup products such as information about the last week to get oodles of e-mail (info@cinseltip.org) and by phone (0312346 24 24) questions were received which expressed VAROL; CTD (www.cinseltip.org) said the public wanted to illuminate.
Is a cream and cream of women Vitara'nın this should tell you that riding on the sexual organs of SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL; Vitara, make women orgasm more quickly and is very said. Cause multiple orgasms in women Vitara cream said the VAROL; Vitara, and sexual organs are produced apomorfınden blood is affected by increasing development said. The women of frigidity Vitara'nın effective with the close of frijidite said.
Niagara NEXCİTE Syrup
Increase sexual desire in women who Nexcite give a syrup of an energy drink and that includes natural afrodizyaklar söyleyen SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL; America's name in the Niagara Falls area in the name of this drink Niagaraydı first. However, the Swedish manufacturer Herrjunga like Viagraya name, the name of the drink has changed as Nexcite said. "Bottles of a love story" with the sales slogan for the love Nexcitein herbs, Guarana and caffeine was found indicating VAROL; Nexcitete also have aphrodisiac effect is a kind of Ginseng roots, and South Africa as a plant-specific cstar has said. Nexcitein women long-term, fire, relaxing and pleasurable sexual experience, saying that the Tribe VAROL; Nexcitein peach, raspberry, lemon flavor is derived from a mixture of exotic flavors have said. As far as the press to follow, of a Turkish businessman, in the Aegean region of soda Nexcite his job, that said the distribution VAROL; Nexcitein sales in Turkey have said 4'lü package.
Increase sexual desire in women and made from natural plant extracts with a pharmaceutical Vigorex Femmenin been released in the U.S. said the SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL; Vigorex Femme, San Francisco Center for Sex Research at the Institute about a year as a result of research developed he said. The phrase was made from green oat Vigorex Femme'nin and the effect is shown in a short period of time like 10 minutes ago VAROL; Vigorex Femme entirely from plant extracts are prepared. After menopause and depression due to more women with low sexual desire is used in patients said.
Hormone ESTALİS Band
The hormones increase sexual desire in the market in Germany when the band said the Vice President Recep VAROL SEXUAL Medical Association, the first time, the 10th in Berlin World Congress on Menopause in the band estalis hormones, menopause period and after menopause increases the sexual desire of women said that was open. Estalis hormones during menopause band used as an alternative to hormone is given and still continue on the research said the VAROL; band Estalis hormones, the menopause period, the sexual problems of women living to solve is an important step on the path. Because women in menopause period, slower than are warned, during sexual intercourse and have orgasms in general are taking a pain he said.
The plant contains Signergy'in with extremely reliable, and sexual life support is a natural product that tells SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL; "Signergy'i women and men can use. Contains vegetable mixture with the physical endurance for long periods of time are provided, a person's performance to support Instead of self-help coming. Signergy'i in 2'li and 10'luk box can be found in pharmacies, "he said.
Our recommended as CTD: SEXUAL THERAPIES
Women's sex drive emergence of a very complex structure and is largely mental, psychological factors are modifiable söyleyen SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL; this reason all the above mentioned products also can not 100% effective. Producer companies also can not. Sexual problems reluctance of women proposed as our SEXUAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATION good to find a sex therapist sex therapy should be said.
Is used to resolve the problem of male sexual impotence drug Viagra is named after the women to increase sexual desire during the drugs market was ardı. SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL women called as Viagra, hormone Estalis Band, "TabletVigorex Femme Signergy pills, Nexcite Syrup and Cream products such as Vitara, and wondered about the unknown, they announced. Estalis Hormone Band, Femme Vigorex pills, and Vitara Nexcite Cream Syrup products such as information about the last week to get oodles of e-mail (info@cinseltip.org) and by phone (0312346 24 24) questions were received which expressed VAROL; CTD (www.cinseltip.org) said the public wanted to illuminate.
Is a cream and cream of women Vitara'nın this should tell you that riding on the sexual organs of SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL; Vitara, make women orgasm more quickly and is very said. Cause multiple orgasms in women Vitara cream said the VAROL; Vitara, and sexual organs are produced apomorfınden blood is affected by increasing development said. The women of frigidity Vitara'nın effective with the close of frijidite said.
Niagara NEXCİTE Syrup
Increase sexual desire in women who Nexcite give a syrup of an energy drink and that includes natural afrodizyaklar söyleyen SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL; America's name in the Niagara Falls area in the name of this drink Niagaraydı first. However, the Swedish manufacturer Herrjunga like Viagraya name, the name of the drink has changed as Nexcite said. "Bottles of a love story" with the sales slogan for the love Nexcitein herbs, Guarana and caffeine was found indicating VAROL; Nexcitete also have aphrodisiac effect is a kind of Ginseng roots, and South Africa as a plant-specific cstar has said. Nexcitein women long-term, fire, relaxing and pleasurable sexual experience, saying that the Tribe VAROL; Nexcitein peach, raspberry, lemon flavor is derived from a mixture of exotic flavors have said. As far as the press to follow, of a Turkish businessman, in the Aegean region of soda Nexcite his job, that said the distribution VAROL; Nexcitein sales in Turkey have said 4'lü package.
Increase sexual desire in women and made from natural plant extracts with a pharmaceutical Vigorex Femmenin been released in the U.S. said the SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL; Vigorex Femme, San Francisco Center for Sex Research at the Institute about a year as a result of research developed he said. The phrase was made from green oat Vigorex Femme'nin and the effect is shown in a short period of time like 10 minutes ago VAROL; Vigorex Femme entirely from plant extracts are prepared. After menopause and depression due to more women with low sexual desire is used in patients said.
Hormone ESTALİS Band
The hormones increase sexual desire in the market in Germany when the band said the Vice President Recep VAROL SEXUAL Medical Association, the first time, the 10th in Berlin World Congress on Menopause in the band estalis hormones, menopause period and after menopause increases the sexual desire of women said that was open. Estalis hormones during menopause band used as an alternative to hormone is given and still continue on the research said the VAROL; band Estalis hormones, the menopause period, the sexual problems of women living to solve is an important step on the path. Because women in menopause period, slower than are warned, during sexual intercourse and have orgasms in general are taking a pain he said.
The plant contains Signergy'in with extremely reliable, and sexual life support is a natural product that tells SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL; "Signergy'i women and men can use. Contains vegetable mixture with the physical endurance for long periods of time are provided, a person's performance to support Instead of self-help coming. Signergy'i in 2'li and 10'luk box can be found in pharmacies, "he said.
Our recommended as CTD: SEXUAL THERAPIES
Women's sex drive emergence of a very complex structure and is largely mental, psychological factors are modifiable söyleyen SEXUAL Medical Association Vice President Recep VAROL; this reason all the above mentioned products also can not 100% effective. Producer companies also can not. Sexual problems reluctance of women proposed as our SEXUAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATION good to find a sex therapist sex therapy should be said.
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