Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Female Viagra on the market: vigorex femme

Male sexual impotence drug Viagra is used to resolve the issue after the increase in sexual desire for women and plant extracts from the natural medicine 'Vigorex Femme' was released in the United States. Vigorex Femme'in, San Francisco Center for Sex Research Institute at the approximately 1-year period, including 32 women over the age of 40 it was stated that research results are developed.

On female patients, made from green oat Ohio University professor Vigorex gynecologist Dr. Femme'i attempt. J. Dudley Chapman, in his statement, 'This is the name of science, but also a very important meeting for the millions of women,' he said. Chapman, 'This drug, is prepared entirely from plant extracts and cheap. Linked to low sexual desire menopause because women with depression in patients works merely spoke. Shows the effect of short duration Vigorex Femme, less than $ 26.95 in the U.S. (approximately 12 million USD) has been released.

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